Óleo de flor de magnólia

  • Descrição
  • Benefícios
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Michelia alba Flower Oil Magnolia flower oil


Michelia Flower Oil/ Magnolia flower essential oil is an aromatic essential oil extracted from white orchid (scientific name: Michelia alba DC).

The white orchid is a plant with fragrant flowers that are considered warm, sweet, fragrant and charming

Other Name : Michelia Flower Oil/Magnolia flower essential oil /Michelia Flower Oil

Nome botânico: Michelia alba DC
Nome químico : Óleo de Flor de Michelia
Nº CAS. 92457-18-6

Original: Yunnan China
Principal área de produção na China: sulista, oeste e centro de Yunnan, Guangxi.
Maneira de extração: by steam distillation from the Michelia alba DC. flowers
Odor: Havinga characteristics of Michelia Flower Oil
Aparência e cor: Líquido transparente amarelo pálido a âmbar

Especificação :
Densidade relativa(20/20℃): 0.8800—0.9100
Rotação óptica específica (20 ℃): -15°— -5°
Índice de refração (20 ℃): 1.4650—1.4900
Solubilidade (20℃,95%Etanol): 1ml:1ml
Conteúdo de linalol (GC): ≥50%

Colheita : 1.0 KG crude oil is made from about 150-300KGS flower


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The characteristics and benefits of magnolia flower essential oil :

Características aromáticas: magnolia flower essential oil has a strong floral aroma that has been described as sweet, warm and fragrant. This floral aroma makes it a popular flavoring ingredient in perfumes and aromatic products.

Perfume making: magnolia flower essential oil is one of the common ingredients in making perfume. It can give floral notes to perfumes, and is often mixed with other scents such as woody, fruity, etc. to create unique fragrances.

Aromatherapy: magnolia flower essential oil is used in aromatherapy to help relieve stress, anxiety and enhance mood. Its aroma is thought to have a relaxing and soothing effect on the nerves.

Produtos de cuidados com a pele: magnolia flower essential oil contains some ingredients that are beneficial to the skin, so it is often added to skin care products, such as creams, lotions and soaps, to provide moisturizing and nourishing effects.

Aromatherapy: magnolia flower essential oil can be used in aromatherapy products such as candles, aromatherapy lamps and aromatherapy sticks to create a pleasant aromatic environment indoors.

magnolia flower essential oil Benefitsmagnolia flower essential oil Benefits

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