

植物名: リクイダムバル・フォルモサナ・ハンス

抽出方法: 蒸留
外観: 油溶性香辛料
使用法: 化粧品用フレグランス
匂いの説明: 辛い, シナモン, 樹脂のような香り
主な化学成分: α-リモネン, β-リモネン, β-カリオフィレン, 等.

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植物名: リクイダムバル・フォルモサナ・ハンス

抽出方法: 蒸留
外観: 油溶性香辛料
使用法: 化粧品用フレグランス
匂いの説明: 辛い, シナモン, 樹脂のような香り
主な化学成分: α-リモネン, β-リモネン, β-カリオフィレン, 等.

Sweetgum gum comes from the sap of injured liquidambar trees. Liquidambar essential oil is distilled and extracted from liquidambar resin. It is light yellow, slightly balsamic, slightly bitter almond, and exudes a spicy cinnamon aroma ( Note: Maple balm is rich in cinnamyl alcohol
(cinnamyl alcohol), cinnamic acid), known uses can be used to treat abrasions, cuts, ulcers, bronchitis, 咳, phlegm caused by rhinopharyngeal catarrh and other problems. It is also an effective treatment for scabies and ringworm. Diffuse liquidambar essential oil to relieve anxiety, stress, and lift your spirits emotionally and spiritually. Liquidambar essential oil has a high boiling point and can act as an effective scent fixative when used in perfumery. したがって, it is a unique scent fixative and can be seen in some enhanced high-end perfume formulas.

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