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Star anise oil is a colorless or light yellow clear liquid, which is a vegetable oil extracted from the fruit of the star anise plant (scientific name: Illicium verum). The star anise plant, also known as star anise, is a specialty spice plant from China. Flychem is a manufactueres of Star anise oil in China for more than 20 years. as a Star anise oil factory . we focuse on offering the best quality of star anise oil for our customers.


Tên thực vật: lllicium Verum Hook.Fin Curtis’s.
TÊN HÓA HỌC: Tinh Dầu Hồi
Số CAS. 8007-70-3


Nguyên bản: Guangdong GuangXi Yunan China
Khu vực sản xuất chính tại Trung Quốc: Guangdong GuangXi Yunnan
Bản chất của sản phẩm: by steam distillation of fresh plants lllicium Verum Hook.Fin Curtis’s., fruits.
mùi: characteristic aroma of anethole .
Ngoại hình và màu sắc: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid or frozen style .

Sự chỉ rõ:

Mật độ tương đối (20/20℃): 0.9750—0.9920
Xoay quang đặc biệt: -2.0°—+2.0°
Chỉ số khúc xạ(20oC): 1.5525—1.5600
Độ hòa tan(20oC,90%Ethanol): 1ml: 3ml
Tran-Anethole(GC)≥ 80﹪

năng suất: 1KG crude oil is made from about 50-60KGS Leaves and Fruits

Mùa vụ

Tháng một Tháng Hai tháng ba tháng tư Có thể tháng 6 tháng 7 tháng 8 tháng 9 tháng mười tháng 11 Tháng mười hai

For more information pls contact our team by email : [email protected]



Some star anise essential oil benefits and uses :

Aroma Characteristics: star anise essential oil has a strong and unique aroma, often described as complex with spice, woody and sweet aromas.

It is widely used in cooking and spices for its unique aroma.

Culinary Uses: Star anise oil is a commonly used cooking oil, especially in Asian cuisine. It provides a unique spice flavor to dishes and is often used in cooking methods such as grilling, stewing and frying.

Medicinal Properties: The star anise plant has been traditionally used in herbalism and is sometimes believed to have some medicinal properties. Star anise oil may contain ingredients that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and sedative properties.

Perfume and Fragrance: The unique aroma of star anise essential oil makes it a popular ingredient in perfume and fragrance products. It provides a warm, unique note to the fragrance.

Aromatherapy: Some people use star anise essential oil for aromatherapy, believing that its aroma helps relieve stress, elevate mood, and improve mental state.


anise star oil

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