Ekstrak CO2 minyak buah buckthorn laut

Ekstrak CO2 minyak buah buckthorn laut

  • Keterangan
  • Benefits
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Ekstrak CO2 minyak buah buckthorn laut ,sea buckthorn oil,sea buckthorn fruit extract

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural vegetable oil extracted from sea buckthorn berries. It is rich in various beneficial nutrients, including vitamin C, E, β-karoten, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and more. Due to its abundant nutritional value and diverse bioactive components, sea buckthorn oil is widely used in various fields.Flychem is Sea buckthorn Fruit oil CO2 extract manufacturer factory suppliers China, we also produce Sea buckthorn flavonoids, minyak biji seabuckthorn,seabuckthorn juice,sea buckthorn puree etc.

Merek: Flychem

Bagian Tumbuhan: Buah

Nama Latin: Hippophae rhamnoides L.

Negara Asal:Cina
Pelarut ekstraksi: SFE-CO2


minyak buah seabuckthorn co2

Kelembaban dan Bahan Volatile(%) ≤0,3
Indeks refraksi n20 1,4500~1,4800
Kepadatan relatif d 20 0.8500~0,9800
Nilai asam(mgKOH/g) ≦40.0
Nilai Yodium(g/100g) 30~100
Nilai Saponifikasi(mgKOH/g) 130~200
Materi yang tidak dapat disaponi (%) ≥1
Nilai peroksida(%) ≦0,8
Vitamin E (mg/100g) ≥100
Total karotenoid (mg/100g) ≥150
α-tokoferol(mg/100g) ≥60
β-karoten(mg/100g) ≥5
Asam linoleat C18:2 2.0%~8,0%


Sumber kami :


Seabuckthorn kami ditanam di ekosistem terbersih dan terpelihara dengan baik, termasuk pertanian organik bersertifikat seluas 10.000 hektar yang dimiliki sepenuhnya di Dataran Tinggi Tibet. Wilayah ini bebas dari polusi buatan manusia dan dianggap sebagai kutub ketiga dunia oleh UNESCO.

Tumbuhan di wilayah ini tumbuh di dataran tinggi, mengalami perubahan suhu yang ekstrim, dan terus-menerus terkena sinar matahari yang intens. Sebagai akibat, mereka mengembangkan ketahanan alami dan mampu memaksimalkan fotosintesis dan mengunci nutrisi dengan lebih baik.



Januari Februari Merusak April Mungkin Jun Juli Agustus September Okt November Desember


Sea buckthorn oil may benefit the skin in the following aspects:

Best skin ever seabuckthorn

Antioxidant Properties: Sea buckthorn oil is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, which help neutralize free radicals, slow down the skin aging process, and protect the skin from environmental damage.

Anti-inflammatory and Healing: Sea buckthorn oil contains anti-inflammatory components that can help reduce skin inflammation and promote wound healing. This makes it potentially beneficial for treating mild skin irritations, sunburn, or minor wounds.

Moisturizing: Sea buckthorn oil has excellent moisturizing properties, helping to maintain skin moisture balance and slow down skin dryness and dehydration.

Stimulation of Collagen Production: Due to the nutritional components in sea buckthorn oil, it is believed to contribute to the stimulation of collagen production, which is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

Lightening Hyperpigmentation: Some studies suggest that sea buckthorn oil may help lighten skin discolorations, promoting a more even skin tone.

Other health effects:
Cardiovascular health: Some studies suggest that sea buckthorn fruit oil may have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood lipids and improving blood circulation.

Immune system support: Some components in sea buckthorn fruit oil may help support immune system function and improve the body's ability to fight viruses and bacteria.

Vision Care: Due to its rich nutritional content, sea buckthorn fruit oil is believed to have certain health benefits for eyes and vision.

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