Ekstrak daun rosemary

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Ekstrak daun rosemary

Rosemary extract

Nama Botani Rosemarinus officinalisAktif

konstituen:Termasuk, asam karnosat, carnosol,asam rosmarinic dan asam Ursolat dll.

Metode ekstrak: dengan Ekstraksi CO2 superkritis

Bagian Tanaman Digunakan daun Rosemarinus officinalis Berupa Serbuk dan Cairan

Negara Asal Cina

Kondisi penyimpanan : Simpan pada suhu kamar, terlindung dari cahaya

Shelf Life12 bulan

Cultivated or Wildcrafted Cultivated

Pengemasan 20kgs per drum, Tas LDPE ganda di dalamnya, Kurang dari 20kg, dikemas dalam tas Aluminium foill
Spesifikasi Cas No Isi Warna dan Penampilan Kelarutan


Asam Rosmarinic 20283-92-5 20 % bubuk coklat Larut dalam air

50 % bubuk coklat Larut dalam air

95% bubuk putih Larut dalam air

Asam karnosat 3650-09-7 5 % Serbuk berwarna kuning muda hingga hijau Larut dalam minyak

60 % Serbuk berwarna kuning muda hingga hijau Larut dalam minyak

70 % Serbuk berwarna kuning muda hingga hijau Larut dalam minyak

5% ( Warna terang dan bau rendah )kuning ke hijau Cair Minyak larut

10% ( Warna terang dan bau rendah )kuning ke hijau Cair Minyak larut

Asam ursolat 77-52-1 25% Light yellow to green Powder Oil soluble

carnosol 5957-80-2 80% Light yellow Powder Oil soluble

98% Light yellow crystalline powder Oil soluble



Rosemary extract is a natural plant extract extracted from the rosemary plant (scientific name: Rosmarinus officinalis). Rosemary is a commonly used herb whose leaves contain many compounds with nutritional and medicinal value. Here are some characteristics and possible applications of rosemary extract:

Antioxidant: Rosemary extract is rich in antioxidants, such as rosmarinic acid and katrine, which help fight free radical damage, thereby helping to maintain cellular health.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Rosemary is considered to have anti-inflammatory properties, and its extract may help relieve inflammatory reactions, which may have a positive impact on some skin problems and painful conditions.

Skin care: Rosemary extract is added to some skin care products, such as facial creams, facial cleansers, and hair care products to provide moisturizing, calming, and refreshing effects.

Seasonings and Spices: Rosemary is an herbaceous plant widely used in cooking, and its extracts are also used as seasonings and spices. Rosemary extract can provide a unique aroma to foods and may have a positive impact on the freshness of foods due to its antioxidant properties.

Aromatherapy: The aroma of rosemary oil extract is considered to have uplifting, motivating and refreshing properties and is therefore also widely used in aromatherapy. It can be achieved through steam inhalation, aromatherapy lamps or massage.

Other questions :

How to extract rosemary oil ?
Basic steps in the distillation extraction process of rosemary essential oil:

Harvest the Plant: First, you need to select fresh rosemary plants. Typically, rosemary flowers, leaves, and top shoots are the main parts from which essential oils are extracted.
Use a professional still. The most common one is a two-part still, with a distillation grate on the top and a still kettle on the bottom. Add enough water to the still.
Loading plant material: Place harvested rosemary plants into a distillation grate. Typically, the plants are compacted lightly but not too tightly to ensure steam can pass through.
Begin distillation: Heat the still so that the water begins to boil, producing steam. The steam passes through the plant material and extracts the essential oil components in the plant.
Condensing essential oils: After the steam passes through the plant, it enters the pipes of the still and is condensed into a liquid. In the condenser, the vapor is cooled and turned into a liquid, which contains rosemary essential oil.
Collect essential oil: Place the collection container at the outlet of the condenser to collect the condensed liquid, which is the extracted rosemary essential oil.
Separating water and essential oils: Because water and essential oils have different densities, they can separate into separate layers. Essential oils can be separated from water using a separation funnel or other separation method.
2. is rosemary extract safe for dogs
Using rosemary extract in pet products requires careful consideration of pet safety. Here are some suggestions:

Dilution: When using rosemary extract, be sure to dilute it thoroughly. It is strongly recommended not to apply concentrated rosemary essential oil directly to your pet's skin. It can be mixed into a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil, for safe use.

Make pet bath products: If you want to provide your pet with the fragrance of rosemary, you can add diluted rosemary extract to pet bath products such as shampoo, conditioner, or body wash. Make sure the concentrations in bath products are safe.

Mosquito repellent: Rosemary has a certain repellent effect, so consider adding it to a mosquito repellent for pets to help protect your pet from mosquitoes. However, check with your veterinarian before adding and make sure the ingredients are safe for pets.

Room Fresheners: Rosemary extract can be added to room fresheners for pets to provide a fresh scent to your home. Make sure the freshener you use does not contain chemicals that are harmful to pets.

Aromatherapy: Using rosemary extract in aromatherapy can help pets relax and improve their mood. Use specially designed aroma lamps or other safe devices for pets

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